Top 10 NPM packages in 2022

Shyama Patro
4 min readJan 1, 2023


“Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript.” — Atwood’s Law

There are so many programming languages used in the Software Industry over the year. Many languages control IT Industry like Java. JavaScript is one of the world’s most popular programming languages on the web. As per the survey of StackOverflow in 2022.

StackOverflow survey report

JavaScript is one of the world’s most popular programming languages on the web. In addition to Nodejs over the year, javaScript gain this popularity. Their main reason is that it’s a light-weighted programming language that can easily be integrated with other frameworks/languages.

Now, Application development in JavaScript on the backend and frontend is generally considered to be more cost effective to build and easier to maintain.

One of the most obvious reasons why Node js is so popular is because of open source npm Registry. we all love open source. The npm registry is a public collection of packages. The npm Registry is a public collection of packages of open-source code for Node. js. This registry contains over 800,000 code packages. In September 2022 over 2.1 million packages were reported to be listed in the npm registry. npm stands for Node Package Manager. it is a command-line utility for interacting with the said repository that aids in package installation, version management, and dependency management.

Now I talk about the top 10 top npm packages

#1 Express

A node js web application framework called Express offers a variety of features for creating both web and mobile applications. A single-page, multipage, or hybrid web application can be created with it. It’s a layer added to Node js that aids in managing servers and routes.

#2 Axios

Axios is a JavaScript HTTP client that uses promises. It can handle the transformation of request and response data and send HTTP requests from the browser.

#3 ESlint

You may identify and correct issues with your JavaScript code with the aid of the open-source project ESLint. ESLint can help your code live its best life whether you’re writing JavaScript in the browser or on the server, with or without a framework.

#4 Bcrypt

Bcrypt enables the development of a platform for password security that may advance along with hardware innovation to protect against potential dangers in the future, such as attackers who have the computer ability to break passwords twice as quickly.


A library called Socket.IO offers bidirectional, event-based, low-latency communication between a client and a server. It is developed on top of the Socket protocol and offers extra guarantees like automatic reconnection or fallback to HTTP long-polling.

#5 Moment

The moment is a free NPM package for parsing, verifying, trying to manipulate, and formatting times and dates. You can add, subtract, range dates, and detect the start or end of a timestep as far as the manipulation goes. For example, we can create a moment date using the same way that we would create a regular javascript date and then call an add function on it with two parameters: how many and the unit. So, if we wanted to add 8 months to a date, we could accomplish this in this manner.


PM2, or Process Manager 2, is a production-ready Node.js process manager that is open source. Automatic application load balancing, declarative application configuration, deployment system, and monitoring are some of PM2’s key features. With PM2, you can simply start/restart/reload/stop/list background applications.


Nodemon is a command-line tool for the rapid development of Node. js apps. When it detects changes in your project directory, it automatically starts up your node application. This means you won’t have to stop and restart your programs for your modifications to take effect.


With Cloudinary, developers can effectively manage, transform, optimize, and deliver photos and videos over various CDNs for both websites and mobile apps. Regardless of the viewing device, viewers ultimately enjoy responsively and tailored visual-media experiences.


Asynchronous testing is made simple with Mocha, a JavaScript-based testing framework with many features. Run tests sequentially to enable flexible and precise reporting and to map uncaught exceptions to the appropriate test cases.


When sending emails with Node.JS (using SMTP, Sendmail, or Amazon SES), the Nodemailer module is simple to use and Unicode compatible, allowing you to use any characters you wish.

Nodemailer is compatible with Windows; there are no constructed dependencies, so you can instal it using npm on Windows just like any other module. Use it without fuss from your Windows computer or via Azure.



Shyama Patro

{ The Tech Enthusiast, Programmer and Designer and Most important Always be a Learner }