How to deploy React app in vercel

Shyama Patro
2 min readDec 2, 2022


If you know the basics of reactjs it will be very easy for us to deploy any react app in vercel. Vercel is the most useful platform for front-end developers, providing the speed and reliability innovators need to create at the moment of inspiration. it is easy to use as compared to others.

Step 1: Create an account with vercel. after signup with google go to the dashboard

go to Add new > Project> Browse All Templates → Create React App

Step 2: signup with GitHub/GitLab/ BitBucket

Choose the repository name and create. Your first React app deploys it to the vercel platform….

How to deploy local react app to vercel

first clone the react deploy app which is in your GitHub repo

use command

git clone “repo link”

customize the react app and install all the packages which are required in your app link react-router-dom for routing.

you see the file structure link given below


Here we see the new file which is most important in vercel-react-app which is the pnpm-lock.yaml file. previous when we create react app using the npx create-react-app we see that there is no .yaml file but when we create react app using vercel platform we see that it will create that file. it is basically for the production file.

when we push to code in GitHub after customizing we will see your app is running successfully

The Error occurred when deploying local react app deploy to the vercel platform because in that app there is no .yaml file you have to add that file manually. when you add that .yaml file manually and install all the dependencies using npm we see that there is no change in .ymal file and when you try to deploy in vercel platform we see that kind of error

ERR_PNPM_OUTDATED_LOCKFILE Cannot install with “frozen-lockfile” because pnpm-lock.yaml is not up to date with package.json

it is one of the most command problem developer faces when they try to deploy.

for solving that problem You have to install the pnpm using

npm install -g pnpm

and delete the node modules folder and install using

pnpm i

and push in GitHub we will see the error has gone and you deploy your local l react app successfully.



Shyama Patro
Shyama Patro

Written by Shyama Patro


{ The Tech Enthusiast, Programmer and Designer and Most important Always be a Learner }

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